First Electric Cooperative reports outages

First Electric Cooperative reports approximately 900 power outages in the[more] Tull community. The
outages are due to Entergy’s substation fire that occurred late yesterday afternoon.

“The fire caused an interruption of transmission line service to First Electric’s Tull substation.”
said Don Crabbe, president and chief executive officer for First Electric. “Our immediate concern
is for our members who are without power during this extreme heat. We encourage them, if
needed, to go to the closest cooling station.”

First Electric anticipates restoration of service to its members between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m.
tonight. Until that point, several cooling stations have been identified to help the community
seek relief from the heat.

Cooling Stations in the area are:

• Bishop Park in Bryant (American Red Cross Station, open until power is restored)

• Northside Church of Christ (Open until power is restored)

• Calvary Baptist Church (Open as needed)

• Sharon Baptist Church

• Benton Middle School (Open until 5:00 p.m.)

• First Christian Church (Open until power is restored)

First Electric Cooperative members, who have access to the internet, can check the status of
power to their home by visiting the outage center located on the cooperative’s website at

First Electric Cooperative serves over 86,000 member accounts throughout parts of 17 counties
in central and southeast Arkansas with full service offices in Benton, Heber Springs,
Jacksonville, Perryville and Stuttgart.

*Update anticipated at 3 p.m.*


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