Yes! That's right. It's been one year since we launched Bryantdaily.com!

How time flies when your havin' fun doing what you love to do!

We deeply appreciate our advertisers who have been so loyal and supportive especially while we were "fresh out of the box" just one year ago! Much thanks to those who have contributed pictures, articles and prayers for our success, but mostly, we want to thank all of our visitors who have made our site grow and grow each month!

In fact, not only are we getting Google's attention (just Google us to see all the links) but we have had a whopping quarter-of-a-million page views this first year!


We look forward to a great 2010 as we have begun exploring all the ways we can truly be your source for all things Bryant!


Rob Patrick


  1. Everette Hatcher

    Bryant Daily is a great website and Rob Patrick has done a great job of getting info on the web in a timely fashion so residents of Bryant can keep up with what is going on. Keep up the good work!!!!

  2. Bob Patrick

    CONGRATULATIONS ROB!! Your hard work and long hours have paid off
    and it shows in the exceptional results of the BRYANT DAILY. Keep up the good work. I know by the numbers that the peope of Bryant and surrounding areas are appreciating your site more each day.

  3. Kirk

    Great work Rob! You are tireless and have forgotten more about Bryant sports than most people will ever know. You are a great asset to Bryant! Thanks for all you do.

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