Landfill now accepting plastics

By Martin Couch

The Saline County Waste Mangement Department has formed a task force to respond to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality's plan for recycling in Bryant.[more]

From the meetings held by the SCWMD task force, the Saline County Landfill will be now accepting plastic water bottles and plastic jugs which have a 1 or 2 recycling bin label on them. The task force will also send general updates to the ADEQ on implementation of the plan to bring recycling up to state standards.

"This is something we've been working toward with the 20/20 task force," said Jim Erwin, director of the Bryant 20/20 recycling task force. "We're going to see a lot of good stuff come from this. There are six or seven different areas of this plan and I'm responsible for recycling concepts and ideas."

Roger Lawrence of the ADEQ spoke to the SCWMD task force recently and requested the task force keep the ADEQ updated on collection and disposal of the recycling material.

"The landfill will have empty bins to accept plastic items now," Erwin added.

Erwin is also a member of the SCWMD task force that will be in charge of implementing the ADEQ's plan to bring the county and the city of Bryant up to state standards. The task force also has plans in the works for the disposal of other waste materials and hazardous waste materials.

Currently, there are paper recycling bins at the Bryant Police Department on Roya Lane and at the Bryant City Hall.

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