Penn gives update on Bryant street work

By Martin Couch

All overlays are completed for the Bryant Street Committee’s Phase 2 project with the exception of Prickett Road, said Bryant city engineer Richard Penn.

“The project should be completed by September or around that time frame,” he said.[more]

Approval to fund Phase 3 overlays was requested to the City Council, which proposes overlay segments on Lora Drive from I-30 to Mills Park Rd., Boswell Road from Harris Drive to Ted Boswell’s property line on the east side, Sanders Lane and Wilkerson Road from Carmichael Road to the western city limit line.

Major maintenance by the city street department is in the process of improving the ditch from South Walnut from SE 2nd to SE 4th, but approval was being sought for expense not to exceed $25,000 for materials and installation to be done by street personnel.

“The culvert there failed a few years ago and we have to have the gas main moved and put in the proper pipe,” Penn said.

Also there has been a monthly schedule created on a four-week rolling calendar system to show major projects being constructed by the street department for managing manpower requirements.

Penn’s update also included the information that Jacobs Engineering firm of Little Rock has all four road contracts executed at this time.

“Engineering expectations were covered there,” Penn said.

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