Senior Profile: Emily Smith

Editor’s note: This is a regular feature profiling senior athletes at Bryant High School.

Emily Smith

NAME: Emily Smith

DATE OF BIRTH: Jan. 24, 1992

PARENTS: Lisa and Richard Smith



WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? Hang out with my friends.


FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST OR GROUP: I like a lot of different things.[more]

FAVORITE MOVIE: That’s hard. I guess, Almost Famous.

FAVORITE TV SHOW: Grey’s Anatomy

WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY AS A KID? I had this car that I always played in.

WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL? College. I’m not sure but probably Hendrix College. I’d like to study International Relations and English

OTHER THAN YOUR PARENTS, WHO HAS HAD THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON YOUR LIFE? A really close family friend. He’s really, really smart and really wise.

FAVORITE THING ABOUT SOCCER: The teamwork and how you have to work together to make anything happen.

POSITION: Defense.

WHAT DO YOU FEEL LIKE IS YOUR PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY ON THE FIELD? Just make sure no goals get scored and transitioning fast onto offense whenever you get the ball.

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE SEASON SO FAR? I think they’ve done amazing. I haven’t played. I broke my foot so I’ve been out for most of the season. The team has been amazing. Coach (Julie) Long has done an amazing job and they’ve been winning so it’s awesome. I broke my foot on Presidents Day, right before all our games started.

WHAT'S BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT TO THE SEASON SO FAR? I think that beating Mount. I don’t think the Bryant girls had ever beaten Mount so that was pretty cool.

WHAT'S IT GOING TO TAKE FOR THE TEAM TO BE SUCCESSFUL THE REST OF THE SEASON? Just keep doing what they’re doing, communication and just working together. They’ve done an amazing job. I’m really proud of them.

INDIVIDUALLY, WHAT ABOUT YOUR GAME ARE YOU MOST CONFIDENT ABOUT? I don’t know. I’ve always been comfortable at defense, so that’s just my favorite. When I’m on the field, I like to talk to my team a lot. I haven’t really been on the field much this season.

WHAT DO YOU WORK HARDEST TO IMPROVE? Just going hard and pushing yourself because that’s the only way to get better.

AFTER YOU'RE THROUGH PLAYING SOCCER AT BHS, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'LL REMEMBER MOST FONDLY ABOUT IT? Just the people and the team, all the people I was able to bond with. And learning a lot, especially this year with Coach Long. She teaches us a lot, things that we didn’t normally do in the past.

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